Saturday, September 13, 2014

What is Energy Leadership?

"A leader does not just get the message across ~ a leader is the message" ~ Warren Bennis, authority on organizational development, leadership and change.
I love this quote, as well as the principals behind these words.  Can you tell me what is the single most important factor that distinguishes the great leaders from the rest? Which personal quality most likely to inspire the confidence in customers, respect among colleagues, and engagement and loyalty from employees? Which aspect of your leadership style should you focus on to put your performance, your career, and your life on the fast track to optimal success?  The answer to all of these questions is a single word: Energy

Energy is the one word that I have seen that differentiates great leaders from average leaders. Great leaders not only have positive energy, they contagiously spread this positive energy to others.  In my work as an executive coach, I have found that positive changes at work often produce positive changes at home and in all areas of life.

So, what is Energy Leadership?  This form of leadership is a unique and innovative approach to leadership, one that has had a profound impact on the people and organizations that use it and know how to control it to make it work for, not against you.  It has changed businesses from the inside out.  It has changed the lives of those who allow this concept work for them, which has resulted in improved leadership and stronger, more successful organizations. 

Imagine there are two kinds of energy: creative energy and destructive energy.  Creative energy is the type that gets you the results you want in all aspects of your life. By allowing you to see all possibilities in any situation, conversation, reaction to stress and when things are progressing normally you are able to view your world through a prism. This wide view gives you greater choices and your intentions,  intentions, emotions and actions mirror that view.   Destructive energy is the type that virtually stops you from getting the results you want.  It is the blinder energy that limits your options, your intentions and your results.

Here are two other terms you should be familiar with: anabolic and catabolic. Anabolic energy is that creative energy that is fueled by passion, inspiration, motivation and what you want or desire.  It is positive.  Catabolic energy is the opposite and is fueled by frustration, doubt, fears that things that impede or stop your progress from having the successes you want in your life.

Energy leadership is all about understanding your level of positive and negative energy and shifting your energy to anabolic from catabolic, to creative from destructive. Think of the people who interact with you every day. Think of the ways that you may be transforming them, Think of the ways they maybe transforming you.  The great challenge of leadership is not understanding the practice - it is practicing our understanding!

If you clicked replay on your remote, Energy Leadership is the process that develops a personally effective style of leadership that positively influences and changes not only oneself, but also those with whom one works and interacts, as well as the organization as a whole.  This form of leadership development allows the process of leading energy to work for you, rather than against you.  As one gains an understanding of their level of energy and uses this to more effectively lead it is a very powerful and profound experience for all.

If you want greater success, get more done and have more fun, what are you waiting for? Come and get it! Reach me at | 404.409.7226.

In Latin, Aperio means to reveal, uncover, to make clear.  Coaching is a powerful process that enables the client to reveal and illuminate their authentic leadership style via a sharp focus on who they are at the core.

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