Saturday, September 27, 2014

A Company's Culture Is The Responsibility Of The CEO

What is Company Culture?

Only one thing is universal about company culture: You can’t delegate it. It’s the responsibility of the CEO.”  Paul Speigleman, the former CEO of BerylHealth

Paul nailed it in my opinion.  An organization’s culture is the DNA of that company.  Same for any non-profit, government entity, and even family.   Some see it as the extent to which employees are engaged in their work. Others view it as how well the company has defined, and employees live according to, core values. Yet others describe it as the feeling you get when you walk through the front door and into the lobby. Maybe it’s a combination of all of those things. What is your definition?  Either way, all three definitions are a direct reflection of the organization and its leadership.

Leadership Is About Authenticity

Paul goes on to say, “I originally thought that shifting culture-building responsibility to existing employees at BerylHealth, which I founded, would get those programs done. But I soon realized that those employees needed ongoing cultural direction from me and I had to participate in the culture we were creating, not simply behave as a bystander.”

In other words, if you don’t commit to and communicate regularly about your culture initiatives and implement traditions yourself, your employees will think you are insincere at least and hypocritical at most. In either case your credibility as a leader goes way down.

To that end, he states that he has dressed up in crazy outfits, made funny videos, attended community service events, espoused the importance of core values, and written thousands of personal note cards to recognize milestones in the lives of my employees.

This isn’t to say that employees can’t lead and execute on your culture programs and initiatives. However, you, as the leader, have to set the vision and give them permission to use their creativity to do the culture-building things they are passionate about.

As a leader, you can and should delegate most of your company’s day-to-day operational work to those who have the talent to do it. But you can’t abstain from your responsibility to create the culture that drives your company’s potential success. Remember, as the leader, your company culture is only as valuable as your personal role in it. Therefore make sure you create and promote that culture.  

What resonated with you? As the organization's top leader, if you have not already, what steps will take to get deeply and personally involved in creating your organization's culture and then living and promoting it daily to your important audiences?  Send me a note via email: or on Twitter @bparcells.  Thank you for your time and support.

In Latin, Aperio means to reveal, uncover, to make clear.  Coaching is a powerful process that enables the client to reveal and illuminate their authentic leadership style via a sharp focus on who they are at their core.

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