Sunday, November 9, 2014

How To Build Trust As A Leader

There has been so much material in the last few years about employee engagement (and the lack of), and how to build a great company culture. If there is one clear reason for organizations to create a terrific culture, I’d say the top and critical requirement is trust. No matter where you are in your organization and how many direct reports you have, if employees trust you, and they perceive that what you’re doing is honestly in their best interest, and that you mean well, and have good intentions, then they will more likely be more engaged, and ready to perform.

Without trust, nothing else will work. It doesn’t matter if you give your employees incredible perks, without trust, none of it matters. Unfortunately, there are many employers, managers and leaders who simply don’t get this. There are several ways that an employer can build trust among his team, but the most important thing when trying to build trust, by far, is to be authentically real and sincere.  Also, remember and commit to performing the golden rule, show that you trust them, they will more likely be open to trusting you.

Here’s how to begin building trust as a leader:

1. Be Honest
Honesty is the key to building trust. When you say something, you better mean it. This is the easiest way to ruin the trust with your employees. Don’t make promises that you can’t keep, and don’t be shy to admit you’ve made a mistake. Instead of shifting the blame, and assuming none of the responsibility, own up to whatever mistake you’ve made. Your employees will respect you more because of it.

2. Show Real Compassion For Your Employees
Sometimes employers talk the talk, but don’t really walk the walk. If they care about their employees, then they’ll offer them things like a flexible schedule, opportunities for personal growth, and make sure their employees have a strong work-life balance. When you show compassion for them, they’ll end up showing compassion for you.

3. Show True Passion For Your Work
If you’re not passionate about what you are doing, how can you expect to motivate an entire team? When you show your passion to the other employees, they’ll be able to tell, and you should be communicating that passion to them. Try explaining to your employees why you’re so passionate, and how they could potentially become as passionate as you.

4. Share Your Knowledge
Being knowledgeable about your company’s strategic objectives, tactical plans in meeting those objectives, company’s culture, mission, values and brand positioning, important internal and external communications, customers, vendors, industry challenges and issues, etc. instills trust in your team, because it shows them that you actually know what you’re talking about. Once they know that you know what you’re talking about, they’ll be more comfortable turning to you for questions and decisions. If you’re not that knowledgeable about your industry or product, become knowledgeable very quick. This is important for any leader.

5. Say Thank You And I’m Sorry
There are so many managers that don’t take any blame or don’t accept any responsibility when something goes wrong, looking to shift the blame to someone else. This is such a terrible thing to do, because deep inside, the employer knows they were wrong. Effective and great leaders understand the power in owning up to their mistakes, and saying sorry when they screwed up and an admission of how they will work on that change.

Similarly, when something goes well, a smart leader will thank everyone else on the team except himself. Remember to say thank you to your team, something that simple can really go a long way. When employees know that you’ll thank them and credit them for their work, they’ll be more motivated to do things properly, and that will establish a relationship of trust.

6. Get To Know Employees Personally and Coach Your Employees
Getting to know your employees on a more human, and personal level is a great way to build trust, by becoming closer with them.  Effective coaching will also accomplish this goal. Make sure to take some time to have face-to-face meetings, and make sure to go around and personally ask employees how they’re doing, understanding their values and drivers, what their intentions are, etc. That personal touch is critically important to building trust and engaging associates.

7. Be Really Open & Transparent
Building trust is also about being open and transparent in all of your communications. Employees know right away when their boss is being honest, and if you communicate frequently, you’ll earn their trust and respect. This is particularly important during the tough times. When the business isn’t doing as well, you need to communicate openly with your employees and explain to them what’s going on.  No one likes surprises!

8. Share The Long Term Vision
This one is really related to being open and transparent, but it’s important enough to separate. Not only is transparency important for building trust within a team, but communicating the vision and long term strategy is important for employees to have passion. Make sure that everyone is aligned, and address any questions or concerns from your employees. Explain to them how their work will help reach that vision, thereby showing trust in them for however they end up getting there.

Building trust is a critical ingredient in contributing to positive employee engagement. Once trust is built, you’re well on your way to becoming an effective leader.

What do you think of these conclusions? How would you begin to break through your behaviors and intentions to find your your authentic self and begin building trust? We would love to hear from you with comments or questions. Send me a note via email at or on Twitter @bparcells.

In Latin, Aperio means to reveal, uncover, to make clear. Coaching is a powerful process that enables the client to reveal and illuminate their authentic style via a sharp focus on who they are at their core.

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